
Sounds Editor

Sean Conley was raised in Kansas: he is not in Kansas anymore. Sean graduated from the University of Chicago in 2003 and has lived and worked in the Windy City ever since. He has a background in theater, low-fi home recording, and cultural linguistics. Careful ladies, he's married. He enjoys The Mountain Goats, Biggie Smalls, and T.S. Eliot, but not F. Scott Fitzgerald, not since he wrote his B.A. on that lush and came to realize, not without some small disappointment, that mostly that guy's just a magazine hack. Which is not to pass any sort of judgment on magazines as a category, or to suggest that magazines invite or encourage hackery, it's just, you know, he's just saying.

Sean thinks that Gothic Funk is about the opportunity for growth through tension: its most salient feature is a sense of grasping, searching for lessons in the midst of gumdrops.

Gumdrops? Really?

Connor CoyneConnor

Words Editor, Editor-in-Chief

Connor Coyne grew up in Flint, Michigan, and has lived in Chicago and New York City. He received his Bachelors from the University of Chicago and his Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (Fiction) from the New School. He has written plays, poetry, essays, short stories, and novels, and his work has been published in the Santa Clara Review.

He also directs performance art and theater and studies the history of Michigan and the midwest. He is fascinated by out-of-the-way places and his heroes are Djuna Barnes, Anne Carson, Ann Radcliffe and Andy Kaufman. He is fascinated by peoples' ability to acknowledge and struggle with paradox, which he sees as being one of the most intriguing elements of Gothic Funk.

He maintains a website at


Designer and Coder

Sam has a chemical dependency on caffeine, so naturally he likes coffee. Between designing poetry magazines and modding Nerf guns, he likes to get paid. Unfortunately, no one is willing to pay for such mediocre dances. They do, on occasion, pay him to perform marriage ceremonies, which is nice.

When asked "so what do you do", he generally replies "whatever I feel like".

He has been more or less self employed for a while now, and has quite taken to sailing, though he indentifies more with the Ninja than the Pirate.

He maintains several websites professionally and as a hobby. His portfolio of webby goodness can be found at



Images Editor

Skylar Moran is a product of Muskegon, MI, and is currently located in Chicago, IL. He has attended University of Detroit Mercy, and Northern Michigan University. His primary profession is architecture, with specific interest in New Urbanism, sustainable design, and Vaastu Shastra. Other interests include disc golf, macrobiotics, and brewing beer. Skylar's hero, living or otherwise, is R. Buckminster Fuller.

He holds the fundamental belief that all people are inherently good. For Skylar, Gothic Funk is when, through a series of events, any expectations one might have previously held are so thoroughly exceeded that one must consider adopting a new model on which to base future expectations.