This month, we lost a good friend & home to National Address, Mercury Cafe. While it is unlikely to find another venue similar to theirs anytime soon, there are also good reasons to explore new places. On Thursday, October 22 we will be holding National Address at Barista Coffee House, a relatively new shop on Damen, just north of Chicago Ave. They are very excited to have us, & are even willing to stay open late for us (normally open to 8pm on Thursdays.) Please come, & help us show them what we have to offer. It is possible that after 8, we may move to a nearby bar (many good choices,) so please come for the beginning. This month, featured presenter Connor Coyne will be reading selections from his novel, Urbantasm.
The National Address is the Gothic Funk Nation’s official reading circle, a safe and friendly place to informally workshop works-in-progress. Consisting of readings and round table discussions, the National Address aims to provide a forum for writers of all Gothicly Funky stripes and a voice for the Gothic Funk Nation. Attendance is open and participants are welcome to bring unsolicited material.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Barista Coffee House
822 N Damen
Tags: Barista Coffee House, Coffee, Reading