Update! Changes to Special Event for 10/16.

Due to gnostic turpitude and other atmospheric fluctuations, the details of our Special Event this Friday have changed.

We are now meeting at:

Looseleaf Lounge
2915 N Broadway St
Chicago, IL 60657
9 PM

Unfortunately, K. Silem Mohammad will not be reading at this event.
However, we are happy to welcome several talented poets including Nick Demske.

Apologies for the shortness of notice for this change.

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2 Responses to “Update! Changes to Special Event for 10/16.”

  1. augustremulous says:

    oh! Will Mr. Mohammad be reading some other time?

    I first met him as a student in Charles Berstein's class a few years ago, and was looking forward to hearing him read again.

  2. Connor says:

    We would love to hear Mr. Mohammad read; I'm very excited by his work myself, and I was disappointed by the way things fell out. If the opportunity presents itself in the future, we won't hesitate to seize it!